“The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” – Hippocrates

How We Farm

We are a small organic farm that does not use tractors. We farm by hand with a passion for top-quality produce which we feel cannot be achieved by farming on large acreage or by using tractors.  The intimacy with our crops is lost riding up in a tractor all day.  Our focus is doing it better, not necessarily bigger.  While we do use modern tools and methods which allows us to remain competitive, all planting, weeding, cultivation, and harvesting is done by hand.  This allows us to work  with  mother nature rather than overwhelming her with large tractors and chemicals.  

Organic Methods
We have begun the process of Organic Certification. To regularly produce top quality vegetables year-in and year-out we must have very fertile soil, and be continuously improving the soil that our plant grow in.  Therefore, we must grow according to strict Organic standards.   Rototilling destroys the soil structure, and for the soil to act accordingly, we do not till our soil or use plastic mulch.  
We test both our water and our soils annually to ensure it is of the highest quality.

Where To Find Us
Heirloom Tomatoes
Fresh-Picked Herbs
Gourmet Lettuce Blends

Farmers Markets
SilverCity Farmers Market
Middleboro Farmers Market

Summer 2017
Fall 2017
Winter 2017
Spring 2018
Workplace CSA
You can have healthy vegetables delivered directly to your workplace for you and your coworkers